Thursday, September 22, 2011

People Do Weird Things

Lately I have spent a lot of time on the internet viewing some of the user content that people tend to post on such sites as youtube and facebook. The majority of the time what people decide to be funny or creative is actually just mildly interesting at best, like a Suzanne Collins book.

However, there are sometimes things that just don't make any sense. Some people just don't think like me at all. The creation of this video is very much evidence of this fact:

What would possess a human to think of such a dance? In conjunction with the conception of this weirdness, can you consider the dancers who actually performed this, what they were thinking when they were hired on for the job? I can only imagine them thinking: I am only doing this because I am tired of dumpster diving for my morning bagel. Poor artists, they make so little money that they are forced to these lengths.

But occasionally there are things that people find funny that are in actuality just plain dull. Take this video for example:

What is so funny about a bunch of cows being attracted to a Jazz Band that it is actually worth the time of almost a million people to watch? I don't get it, and I am pretty sure that the cows don't either.


  1. First of all, the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was not mildly interesting, it was addicting. Also the "around the world" video has a bit of nostalgia for me. I remember finding that video fascinating when I was younger watching the tv music video station called "the box" on channel 58. That video and the "barbie girl" video were awesome. How is it that one can create a song with only one line that is repeated over and over again and have it become popular?

    The Jazz cows video is interesting in that the result of the cows coming to see the band is a bit unexpected but it wouldn't really call that funny or entertainment either.

    You just have to realize Marc that everyone has a different taste in entertainment. You may find "llamas with hats" to be the best thing since sliced bread but others may find it immature and childish humor, muchlike they would say about Spongebob. This is what makes people great; We all have different tastes.

    This video is further evidence of weirdness. I just don't get it.
